Conquering Your Fibromyalgia Podcast
The podcast and book were started with my patients in mind. Due to time restrictions, I recognized the need for more education on fibromyalgia and related illnesses. If you have not checked out the book, the podcast is meant to supplement what was covered there. Many people worldwide will never be able to see me as their doctor, and I hope this podcast offers valuable insights, information, and wisdom from a medical doctor using a multifaceted evidence-based approach from the perspective of a pediatrician, internist, lifestyle medicine physician, and clinical lipidologist. If you are a doctor or another health care professional caring for those with invisible illnesses, I hope these serve you well. Many people have either been told or read that fibromyalgia isn't real or that it is just all in their heads. This misunderstanding, unfortunately, causes harm and is a disservice to those suffering. If you are one of the estimated more than 10 million people in the United States who are suffering from fibromyalgia, then you know it is real. If you don't have fibromyalgia, you will, at a minimum, gain a deeper understanding of what you or your loved one is experiencing. If you have fibromyalgia, you will feel validated for what you have endured. I have over 27 years of experience as a doctor and am continuing to learn about medical problems, including invisible illnesses like fibromyalgia and related problems. You can learn more by visiting
Conquering Your Fibromyalgia Podcast
Latest Episodes
Ep 186 Reversing Osteoarthritis. The Plants for Joints Trial
Ep 185 Reversing Rheumatoid Arthritis-The Plants for Joints Trial
Ep 184 A deeper look at a Plant-Based Diet for Weight Loss and Fibromyalgia
Ep 183 Inspiration, Validation and Hope. Teresa's Reversal Story
Ep 182 Plant based diet alternative to Ozempic with Dr. Michael Greger
Fan Mail
Hi Dr. Lenz, I enjoyed your Christmas special! Are you planning on doing any more episodes on ADHD in the future?
Elm Grove, Wisconsin